Sagology Defined

Sagology Defined

What does the word “sagology” mean?

sagology [sāj-ol-uh-jee]



2008;  Canadian English, from Middle English sage + -ology.

Sage [Middle English, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *sapius, from Latin sapere, to be wise; see sep- in Indo-European roots.]

-ology [Middle English -logie, from Old French, from Latin -logia, from Greek -logiā (from logos, word, speech; see leg- in Indo-European roots) and from -logos, one who deals with (from legein, to speak; see leg- in Indo-European roots).]

What is the meaning of the Sagology logo?

The symbol we use to depict Sagology is called ananse ntontan, which is the spider’s web, and often used to symbolize wisdom, creativity, and the complexities of life.

The genesis of the symbol is a spider of African folklore named Anansi, who was a renowned raconteur.  Perhaps his best known “spider tale” is the story of Anansi’s quest to gather all of the world’s wisdom for himself.  After amassing the wisdom, he tried to hide it in a secret location.  As he was carefully hiding the wisdom, he dropped the pot in which it was stored.  The pot smashed and the wisdom was dispersed to people around the world.